Our Key Note Speakers

Corinna Norrick-Rühl

26.8. | 3:30 pm

„International Perspectives on Children‘s Book Market“

Emer O’Sullivan

27.8. | 10.00 am

„Imagining Sameness and Difference in Picturebooks. Imagological Perspectives”

Emer O’Sullivan is Professor of English Literature at Leuphana University in Lüneburg, Germany. She has published widely in both German and English on comparative literature, image studies, children’s literature and translation, and has received international recognition for her pioneering work in comparative children’s literature studies

Claudia Sackl & Joseph Kebe-Nguema

27.8. | 4.30 pm

„Interculturality in Historical Children’s Literature. Intersectional Analyses“

Marina Lehmann

28.8. | 09.30 am

„Cultural Participation and Children’s Media“

Jana Rüegg

29.8. | 9.30 am

„Children’s Book Market and Translation“

 Elise Mischke

30.8. | 09.30 am

 Meet the Pros: Market Research Department, German
Bookseller’s and Publisher’s Association